Upcoming Events
Discover - Worldwide Marriage Encounter and Evangelization

A WWME weekend gives couples the tools of evangelization. 

The heart of WWME’s philosophy is the deep seated believe that the Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders are powerful and precious gifts given by God to the church. The renewal of these sacraments is the special gift that Worldwide Marriage Encounter has to bring to the church and the world.  After a weekend, couples come to a deeper appreciation of the value of their marriage relationship, as well as their relationship with God.  In living the concepts, their sacraments come alive and many discover their vocation for the very first time. 

When the vision of who they truly are as sacramental people has taken hold in their heart and in their daily lives, they are empowered to step out of their comfort zone and become witnesses of God’s love. An encountered couple’s new awareness of their Sacrament calls them to reflect God’s love more clearly to their children and to become beacons of light in the parish community and in the world. 

Through living the steps of the weekend, their homes become a model of the Domestic Church.  The couples become the Good News for others and participate in the evangelizing mission of the Greater Church.

In a recent meeting between WWME and Cardinal Antonelli, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family,  he spoke about evangelization, saying it is based on each person’s ability to meet Christ and transfer that experience to others.  In the New Evangelization, the Gospel is transferred THROUGH people.  He said, "Christ calls us to be one in the Family - to pray - to hear the Word of Jesus and love each other, beginning in the family - and then network between families". 
Small groups of families are the real experience of the Church. WWME offers small group settings where couples and families can Be One in Family!